Flexibility & Curves – will twisting / bending LED tapes damage them?
InStyle’s LED tape offers you more flexibility than other forms of lighting. You can fit it to curved surfaces, twist it and even loop it back on itself. (After all, it’s supplied on reels!)

1. How to bend your LED tapes laterally
When we talk about ‘bending LED tapes laterally’, it means creating a curve of light on a flat surface (by bending the strip across the edge of the PCB). Like this:
But be aware that higher-power LED strips are less flexible than lower-power ones. This is because the LED modules are placed closer together on high-power strips, and require wider PCBs (for more heat dispersal).
The 5-watt white LED tape shown here has 60 LEDs per metre, mounted on an 8-millimetre-wide PCB.
For comparison, we’ve got pictures illustrating the flexibility of some more LED tapes below…
7.5-watt RGB LED strips (10mm wide, 30×5050 SMDs /m)
10-watt white LED strips (8mm wide, 120×3528 SMDs /m)
24-watt white LED strips (10mm wide, 120×2835 SMDs /m)
Note: When bending your LED tape across the PCB’s edge, take care not to damage the PCB mounting. We strongly recommend you apply the bend at one of the tape’s marked cut-points.
2. How to bend your LED tapes laterally with clip-on connectors
If your LED tape needs to bend at an angle greater than 45 degrees (for example, to go around a right-angle corner), then we do not recommend physically bending it. Instead, we suggest one of our tape connectors.
3. How InStyle can solder flexible links so your LED tapes bend laterally
You can order your tape with flexible LED strip connectors already fitted. Tell us where you want your tape to bend, and we’ll cut and solder your flexible connector(s) before your order is dispatched – so it’s ready to use right out of the package.
Link cables are completely customisable, so they can be cut to fit your LED strip lighting project exactly – without excess cable, or with longer cables if required.
Like this:
But what about my LED tape extrusions? Can they bend too?
Yes they can! Bendable aluminium LED tape extrusions are now available. You can order yours from InStyle LED today.