LED Lighting for Stairs: A Smart Choice for Safety & Style LED Lighting for Stairs: A Smart Choice for Safety & Style Poorly lit staircases pose a serious risk of accidents .... LED Strip Lights and the Customer Experience LED Strip Lights and the Customer Experience Why Lighting Matters To Your Customers In today's competitive commercial landscape, delivering an .... The Ultimate Guide to Staircase LED Lighting The Ultimate Guide to Staircase LED Lighting At home, we just take our stairs for granted. They’re just a way .... Interior Lighting Ideas 2025 Interior Lighting Ideas 2025 Do you feel like your home’s lighting is falling short of its potential? Are you tired .... LED Strip Lights: The Ultimate Guide LED Strip Lights: The Ultimate Guide Picture this: a beautifully designed interior that captures attention the moment you step into .... How to connect INSTYLE LED Strips with your Home Automation System How to connect InStyle LED Strips with your Home Automation SystemINSTYLE LED Strip Lights can be controlled using any Home .... 5 ways to modernise your kitchen 5 ways to modernise your kitchenNo Need For A New Kitchen The kitchen can be the busiest room in a .... LEDs not working? Why not check out our new LED troubleshooting support page! If your LED strip lights are not working, there may be many different reasons why. That's why we've updated our .... Modern Gardens & LED Lights for Dark Evenings This month’s glossy issue of Modern Gardens magazine offers a tempting look at the possibilities of LED lighting in gardens .... Plinths and Cupboards With a very simple LED installation, you can add new warmth and crisp clean tones to your kitchen. Peter, one .... All About Wifi Control for LEDs Wifi technology utilises radio waves in order to provide a network connection. It allows for secure high-speed data communication between .... All About TRIAC Dimming for LEDs TRIAC circuits are widely used, and very common in AC power control applications. These circuits have the ability to switch .... All About RF Control for LEDs Radio Frequency (RF) remote control for LEDs is not only easy to set up and use, it also operates over .... All About 0-10V Control for LEDs This is an electronic lighting control system which consists of a DC voltage varying from 0-10 volts. This happens to .... All About DMX Control for LEDs DMX is a digital-network communication standard that offers flexible control options for a wide variety of lighting, including LEDs. Originally .... LED TV Wall – step-by-step, from inspiration to installation One of our customers kindly shared with us a brilliant step-by-step case study of the handsome TV wall installation he .... West London’s Electricians and Lighting Experts If you're planning an LED installation in the West London area and seeking a reliable electrician with lighting expertise and .... All About DALI Dimming for LEDs DALI is a open (supplier-independent) standard used for lighting control in buildings. Relatively simple to install and highly configurable without .... ART FUTURO – designs with a soul At the ART FUTURO studio in Stirling, Scotland, Phil and Franziska design and make distinctive and beautiful slate lamps. Their creations .... Warm white LEDs – why is there more than one type of warm light? Why is there not just one warm white LED shade? How can there be more than one warm white to .... 12-volt vs. 24-volt LED strip lights – what is the difference? 12-volt vs. 24-volt LED strip lights – what is the difference?12v or 24v LED strip lights... What is the difference? .... 1 2 3 … 9 ›